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almost 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
Children's Heathcare of Atlanta Strong4Life helps families raise healthy, safe, resilient kids. Great article on how screen time affects kids' emotional wellness:
almost 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
Strong 4 Life graphic
Check out the latest American Rescue Plan update on our news story at Also we ask that you please provide feedback on our American Rescue Plan by participating in the updated survey at the bottom of the news story or visit
almost 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
American Rescue Plan gif
We would like to remind the community to please help keep our kids safe by following the law and stopping for school bus crossing arms. Over the past month, we have had multiple incidents of drivers not stopping for deployed school bus crossing arms. Our school buses are equipped with camera systems which record and identify the violators. If drivers do not obey the law as it pertains to stopping for school buses, they will be issued a citation by law enforcement. Please obey the law and help keep our kids safe!
almost 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
Bus Stop Arm
We are deeply saddened by the loss of a member of our Schley County School family. Mr. Charles Greer, “Blue Bird” passed suddenly today. Mr. Greer was an important part of our school transportation department. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. The loss of Mr. Greer will be felt among those students he drove to and from school each day as well as his fellow coworkers. Counselors will be on hand to assist students and adults as they return to classes tomorrow morning.
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Dear parents, The news to report this week is good as case numbers were again lower than the previous week. Thank you for your efforts and continued support. Please help to monitor for symptoms daily and take all precautions necessary to keep us moving in the right direction. We still ask that everyone mask up to do their part to help, sanitize hands regularly, physical distance as much as possible, and stay home when sick. Masks are required on buses at all times. Our numbers will reflect those active cases for the week ending February 4th. COVID-19 Status Report as of February 4, 2022 Elementary School – Students 1 positive. Middle High School – Students 3 positives. School Staff – 1 positive. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Dear parents, While there are many days left to complete this year, we do want everyone to know that renovations for roof replacement and HVAC replacement are now scheduled for the middle high school this summer. As expected, it will be a very busy June and July. Our plan will be to start the 2022-23 school year in August. School calendars will be finalized in February so that everyone can make the necessary plans. Coordination of the other phases of renovation will be set in the coming weeks. We will be sending out the approved calendars as well as other details as this information becomes available. In our continued effort to report weekly totals, it was good to see that this week marked a second straight decline in numbers. Please help to monitor for symptoms daily and take all precautions necessary to keep us moving in the right direction. We still ask that everyone mask up to do their part to help, sanitize hands regularly, physical distance as much as possible, and stay home when sick. Masks are required on buses at all times. Our numbers will reflect those active cases for the week ending January 28th. COVID-19 Status Report as of January 28, 2022 Elementary School – Students 3 positives. Middle High School – Students 8 positives. School Staff – 1 positive. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Dear parents, Our end of week report does look better. Both schools are showing lower numbers this week. We will continue to monitor those returning with the morning checks and masking. I do want to say thank you to parents, teachers, bus drivers, lunch and custodial staff for the combined efforts to work through the difficulties presented by COVID. I know that this continues to be very trying. Strep and flu cases have been diagnosed for some students which also gives its share problems. Our best defense remains the detection of symptoms early. Please check with your student daily. Do not dismiss small symptoms. Consult with your pediatrician or family health care provider if at all possible. Take caution when symptoms are present and monitor them at home. We still ask that everyone mask up to do their part to help, sanitize hands regularly, physical distance as much as possible, and stay home when sick. Masks are required on buses at all times. Our numbers will reflect those active cases for the week ending January 20th. COVID-19 Status Report as of January 20, 2022 Elementary School – Students 17 positives. Middle High School – Students 9 positives. School Staff – 6 positive. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Parents with students with an Individualized Education Program(IEP), we ask that you complete the following survey Georgia Parent IEP Survey
about 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
Dear parents, January cases increased throughout the week this week. As seen in the state COVID heat map, Omicron continues to grow in numbers. Our area is no exception. There are many households affected by cases, which due to the high transmission rate, usually spreads to each member fairly swiftly. We have seen cases among vaccinated and non-vaccinated students and staff. Also, we have seen cases among some individuals for the second time in under 90 days. Our school like all schools in the state will continue to make the best effort to maintain in person instruction. Staffing for classes, bus transportation, and cafeteria personnel must be in place to operate. Shortages in any of these key areas will dictate the decisions for day to day operations. We do have support staff that will continue to assist with assignments and communications for those unable to attend in person due to quarantines or isolations. Our teachers will also continue to provide assistance for students that need help with missed instruction. This can be very stressful for everyone, but I encourage everyone to work together as we move forward. We still ask that everyone mask up to do their part to help, sanitize hands regularly, physical distance as much as possible, and stay home when sick. Masks are required on buses at all times. Our numbers will reflect those active cases for the week ending January 14th. COVID-19 Status Report as of January 14, 2022 Elementary School – Students 26 positives. Middle High School – Students 24 positives. School Staff – 12 positive. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Dear Parents, This week marked the return to school following our Christmas break, and we were glad to welcome everyone back from the holidays to begin our second semester. 2022 will have its own set of challenges as we are all learning. I want to thank so many of our parents for taking precautions this week by monitoring symptoms and in many cases not returning until those symptoms were checked further. COVID numbers are up, and for that reason, there were many families that are experiencing household quarantines. Many students within those household quarantines were not able to start back to school at all. It is vitally important that everyone take the necessary steps moving forward for the weeks ahead. Monitor your symptoms daily. Wear a good fitting mask when you are around others. If you are exposed as a close contact, new DPH guidance says 5 days isolation followed wearing a well-fitting mask for 5 days. We will continue to notify you when we have a positive case that affects your child. We do again ask everyone to do their part: mask up, sanitize hands regularly, physically distance as much as possible, and stay home when sick. Masks are required on buses at all times. For this week only due to the return from holidays, our numbers will reflect those cases that occurred at school this week. COVID-19 Status Report as of January 7, 2022 Elementary School – Students 7 positives and 33 quarantines. Middle High School – Students 4 positives and 16 quarantines. School Staff – 3 positives. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Dear Parents, We are set to resume classes tomorrow, January 4th. I want to ask that everyone take necessary precautions to help keep others safe. If anyone has been exposed, is not feeling well, or is exhibiting symptoms, they should not report back to school. I would also encourage everyone to mask up as we return. We will be following new CDC guidance for isolations and quarantines. This means that basic quarantines will be 5 days at home, followed by 5 days of masking. Omicron is much easier spread with transmission occurring early in each case of illness. We must try and take quick action with any case. As before break, testing is available Monday-Thursday, and our staff can assist in getting testing arranged for you. We look forward to having a great second-half of the year. Thank you for your help and support in getting us off to a great start! Be safe and mask up! Thank you, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Parents' Ultimate Guide to Parental Controls Do you need parental controls? What are the options? Do they really work? Here's everything you need to know about the wide array of parental control solutions, from OS settings to monitoring apps to network hardware. From Common Sense Media
about 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
Dear Parents, Next week will be our final week of school for 2021! End of semester exams will take place throughout the week before we take Christmas break and ring in 2022. Please prepare accordingly to do your best on these tests to improve your grades for the semester. Be reminded also that Friday is an early release day. High school students are encouraged to take advantage of the after school hours next week. Teachers will be available for assistance in the needed academic areas. Please use this help to improve your academic standing! Today at 5:30, Schley County will host its first home wrestling match in our high school gym. The broadcast will be available via NFHS. Also this weekend, GSW will host our wildcat basketball teams for games against Macon County beginning at 12:00 tomorrow in the GSW Storm Dome. Come out and support our wildcats! They will not disappoint! Help each school by informing us if your family does come into contact with a Covid positive person away from campus. If a member of your household tests positive, everyone in contact with that person within your household should quarantine. Days for household quarantines can only begin when the exposure is over, either by the separation from the Covid positive person or when the Covid positive household member is deemed negative, without symptoms, and the appropriate days have passed. Our numbers will reflect all known active cases of students in or out of the school setting as of the date and time listed. Below is this week’s report. COVID-19 Status Report as of 4:00 December 10, 2021 Elementary School – Students 0 positives and 6 quarantines. Middle High School – Students 1 positives and 2 quarantines. School Staff – 2 positives. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Dear Parents, Our return from Thanksgiving break has gone well. Grade level programs for the elementary school signaled the beginning of our Christmas season! Basketball for middle and high school is in full swing as we completed a full schedule of games this week. Be reminded that JV and varsity games will start earlier than originally scheduled for tomorrow. JV tips off at 9:00 tomorrow morning. Come out and support your wildcats! High school students are encouraged to take advantage of the after school hours over the next two weeks. Teachers will be available for assistance in the needed academic areas. Please use this time to help close out the semester and improve your academic standing! Help each school by informing us if your family does come into contact with a Covid positive person away from campus. If a member of your household tests positive, everyone in contact with that person within your household should quarantine. Days for household quarantines can only begin when the exposure is over, either by the separation from the Covid positive person or when the Covid positive household member is deemed negative, without symptoms, and the appropriate days have passed. Our numbers will reflect all known active cases of students in or out of the school setting as of the date and time listed. Below is this week’s report. COVID-19 Status Report as of 4:00 December 3, 2021 Elementary School – Students 0 positives and 8 quarantines. Middle High School – Students 0 positives and 2 quarantines. School Staff – 1 positive. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
We would ask that everyone use extra caution when approaching the school entrances each morning. This is a very dangerous time of the year with visibility. Our deputies are directing traffic in the roadways and there is always a great deal of traffic at morning arrival. Approach the intersections very slowly and do not assume every driver is able to see clearly from all directions. We want everyone to arrive safe and sound without delay. Please slow down and watch for others. Even if you are in a hurry, trying to rush through is not worth putting others at risk. Thank you, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Dear Parents, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving break. Please enjoy the time that you will have off next week to spend with family and friends. Stay safe, rest, and take the time to show appreciation to those around you. After this break, we will have a short run until Christmas holidays. It is so very important to maximize our efforts during these next few weeks to make our first semester end on a high note! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Please help each school by informing us if your family does come into contact with a Covid positive person away from campus. If a member of your household tests positive, everyone in contact with that person within your household should quarantine. Days for household quarantines can only begin when the exposure is over, either by the separation from the Covid positive person or when the Covid positive household member is deemed negative, without symptoms, and the appropriate days have passed. Our numbers will reflect all known active cases of students in or out of the school setting as of the date and time listed. Below is this week’s report. COVID-19 Status Report as of 4:00 November 19, 2021 Elementary School – Students 3 positives and 5 quarantines. Middle High School – Students 2 positives and 7 quarantines. School Staff – 1 positive. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
The Georgia Department of Education encourages opportunities for parents to provide input about their children's school. The link to the parent survey is below. Please take the time to complete the survey about our school. The survey closes on March 11, 2022. If the link doesn't work, then please copy and paste in address bar. Georgia Parent Survey
about 3 years ago, Schley County Schools
Dear Parents, As we finish up our second week of November, I want to say thank you to all of our service men and women. If you have not seen the SCES veteran’s tribute this week, please take a moment to view it on the school facebook page. I also want to say thank you to our students and teachers for their continued hard work. The holidays are fast approaching. Use the next few weeks to make the first semester end on a high note. Keep up the good work! On demand testing is now available Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 4:00. We have been assigned two staff members from MAKO Medical that will specifically help our students and faculty for testing needs. Please utilize this resource when needed. Our school nurses can assist you with making contact in order to set up testing. The testing station is located in the drive through loop at our local health department. Please help each school by informing us if your family does come into contact with a Covid positive person away from campus. If a member of your household tests positive, everyone in contact with that person within your household should quarantine. Days for household quarantines can only begin when the exposure is over, either by the separation from the Covid positive person or when the Covid positive household member is deemed negative, without symptoms, and the appropriate days have passed. Our numbers will reflect all known active cases of students in or out of the school setting as of the date and time listed. Below is this week’s report. COVID-19 Status Report as of 4:00 November 12, 2021 Elementary School – Students 5 positives and 11 quarantines. Middle High School – Students 8 positives and 15 quarantines. School Staff – 1 positive. Sincerely, Brian Hall
about 3 years ago, Brian Hall
Dear Parents, On demand testing is now available Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 4:00. We have been assigned two staff members from Mako Medical that will specifically help our students and faculty for testing needs. They will be aiding our contact tracing team for the weeks ahead and will be in communication with identified close contacts to offer free testing within the proper time frame determinations. Please utilize this resource when needed. The testing station is located in the drive through loop at our local health department. Be reminded that time changes this Sunday, November 7th. Please be sure you set your clocks back one hour before school starts back up Monday morning. Let’s make the most of the two weeks prior to our Thanksgiving break. Do not forget that 2nd nine weeks progress reports will be going home Wednesday, November 10th! Please help each school by informing us if your family does come into contact with a Covid positive person away from campus. If a member of your household tests positive, everyone in contact with that person within your household should quarantine. Days for household quarantines can only begin when the exposure is over, either by the separation from the Covid positive person or when the Covid positive household member is deemed negative, without symptoms, and the appropriate days have passed. Our numbers will reflect all known active cases of students in or out of the school setting as of the date and time listed. Below is this week’s report. COVID-19 Status Report as of 4:00 November 5, 2021 Elementary School – Students 4 positives and 25 quarantines. Middle High School – Students 4 positives and 14 quarantines. School Staff – 2 positives. Sincerely, Brian Hall
over 3 years ago, Brian Hall