Second Graders and Mrs. Susan Mathews from Schley County Farm Bureau had the opportunity to participate in Ag Day 2022 by working in stations outside the classroom on SCE Campus. The five different stations that were set up to provide learning activities and observe were based on Georgia’s Science Standards of Excellence. Mr. Billy Lightner discussed farming, popping popcorn that he grew, and then Mrs. Donna Dillard, retired SCE Teacher, planted sunflower seeds with the students. Mrs. Shari Sellars, retired SCE Teacher, was at “The Chicken Coop” with a live chicken. Mrs. Sellars read about The Life Cycle of the Chicken, and then ended the activity with an egg relay with real eggs donated by Mrs. Eleanor Turner, McRose Farm. Mrs. Karen Jones and Ms. Anna Rice were at the Beef vs. Dairy station. Mrs. Jones was “Moo”-velous dressed in full dairy cow attire. The students learned facts and trivia about beef cows and dairy cows. Mr. and Mrs. Braulio and Mary Lynn Ornelas presented a horse, Butter the Cow, and a beautiful baby calf the students fed with a bottle. Mr. Gary Langlois, owner of the Deer Creek Apiary demonstrated beekeeping with a Live Hive!! Mr. Eric Sellers, Ag/FFA Instructor pulled the students in the Wagon Trail Trivia Ride, where High School Ag Students asked agriculture questions and jokes. The Tractor Club displayed their pristine tractors for the students to view. A HUGE thank you to everyone for helping make this educational event about agriculture a SUCCESS!

Second Grade Visits Ag Day Stations
March 25, 2022